man typing on laptop. titled best ai copywriting software for email marketing
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5 Best AI Copywriting Software for Email Marketing Campaigns (Free & Paid)

Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to engage with their customers, but crafting compelling email copy can be a hard task.

That’s where AI copywriting software comes in!

This run-through of the best AI copywriting software can help you draft captivating email content that grabs your reader’s attention and keeps them coming back for more.

In this blog post, we’re going to dive into the world of AI copywriting and unveil the 5 best AI copywriting software for your email marketing campaigns.

a man typing on a laptop

Why Use AI Copywriting Software for Email Marketing?

Before we reveal the best AI copywriting software options, let’s talk about why you should consider using them for your email marketing campaigns.

With AI copywriting software, you can:

  1. Save Time and Effort: Writing engaging email content from scratch can be time-consuming. AI-powered tools can help you create copy in a fraction of the time, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your marketing strategy.
  2. Boost Productivity: AI copywriting software doesn’t need coffee breaks or sleep. It can churn out copy 24/7, helping you maintain a consistent email marketing schedule.
  3. Enhance Creativity: AI can help you generate fresh and creative ideas by providing suggestions and alternative word choices. Say goodbye to writer’s block!
  4. Personalise Content: Many AI copywriting tools can analyse data to create personalised email content that resonates with your target audience, improving your email open and click-through rates.
  5. Improve Conversion Rates: Compelling copy can boost your email marketing ROI. AI can help you write persuasive messages that drive conversions and sales.

Now that you know why AI copywriting software is a game-changer for email marketing, let’s dive in.

5 Best AI Copywriting Software you can use right now:

Our Pick


Writesonic is a versatile AI copywriting tool that covers a wide range of writing needs, including email marketing. It’s known for its user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities.

Getting into the best AI copywriting software:

1. CopyAI: The Email Wizard

CopyAI is a gem in the AI copywriting world. With a focus on generating content for email marketing, it’s like having a skilled copywriter on speed dial. CopyAI can craft subject lines, product descriptions, and even entire email campaigns. logo

Why Choose CopyAI?

  • Email Expertise: CopyAI specialises in email marketing, so you’re getting a tool designed specifically for your needs.
  • Variety of Templates: It offers a range of email templates, making your life easier.
  • A/B Testing Suggestions: CopyAI helps you fine-tune your email campaigns by providing A/B testing suggestions to improve engagement.
copy ai landing page for email marketing


  • Free for individuals. Includes 2,000 words in Chat and 200 Bonus Credits.
  • Paid plans to get unlimited words and more credits start from $49/mo, rising for bigger teams (more seats).

2. Writesonic: The Versatile Wordsmith

Writesonic is a versatile AI copywriting tool that covers a wide range of writing needs, including email marketing. It’s known for its user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities. Whether you need a sales pitch, product description, or a warm email to reconnect with customers, Writesonic can do it all. No wonder 5million+ professionals are using it!

writesonic logo

Why Choose Writesonic?

  • Versatility: It can handle various types of content, making it an all-in-one solution for your writing needs.
  • Collaboration Features: Writesonic allows you to collaborate with your team, making it an excellent choice for businesses.
  • Speed: You can get content generated within minutes, helping you meet tight deadlines.
write sonic landing page - best ai copywriting software


  • Free for individual hobby projects; inclusive of 10,000 words/mo utilising GPT 3.5 but including AI Image Generation too and templates.
  • Paid plans start at $15/mo with a word limit on GPT 3.5 of 100,000 and GPT 4 of 16,667 (for 1 user).

Try out Wordsonic for yourself!

3. ChatGPT: The All-Rounder AI Copywriter

ChatGPT is the superstar of AI text output, developed by OpenAI. It’s a large language model that can generate text that’s almost indistinguishable from what a human would write. It’s versatile and can assist you with various writing tasks, including email marketing campaigns. Just briefly describe your email, and the GPT-3.5 model will whip up engaging and persuasive content.

Chatgpt logo, AI assistant app

Why Choose ChatGPT?

  • Human-Like Writing: ChatGPT’s output is so convincing that your recipients won’t even realise they’re reading AI-generated content.
  • Adaptability: It can adapt to various tones and styles, ensuring your email copy matches your brand’s personality.
  • Vast Data Input: ChatGPT has access to an enormous amount of data, making it a treasure trove of knowledge for your copywriting needs.
the chatgpt chat interface


  • Free for the GPT-3.5 model, with regular model updates.
  • Plus comes in at $20/mo, providing access to GPT-4, faster response speeds, and beta features such as browsing, plugins and data analysis.

4. Unbounce’s Smart Copy: The Catchy Copy Generator

Formerly, Unbounce’s Smart Copy is all about creating captivating and catchy email copy. With 45+ templates to choose from, creating sales and marketing email content that will be original, persuasive and impactful, was never easier.

unbounce smart copy logo

Why Choose Smart Copy?

  • Attention-Grabbing Copy: Smart copy specialises in writing email content that gets noticed and sparks curiosity.
  • Easy to Use: It’s user-friendly, making it suitable for both seasoned marketers and beginners.
  • Conversion Optimisation: Smart Copy focuses on writing copy that converts, so you can expect better ROI.
unbounce smart copy landing page


  • Free to use, limited to 40 credits/mo on 1 project (no credit card required is a bonus here)
  • Paid plans start from $9/mo for 200 credits each month over 3 projects, or $49/mo for the full unlimited version!

5. CopyGenius: The Persuasive Copy Maestro

CopyGenius is the persuasive copy maestro you’ve been waiting for. If you want to master the art of writing convincing email copy that nudges your subscribers towards action, this tool is your secret weapon.

CopyGenius can help you craft email content that not only engages but persuades your readers to take the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up, or sharing your content.

copygenius logo

Why Choose CopyGenius?

  • Conversion Optimisation: CopyGenius specialises in writing copy that persuades your audience to convert, helping you boost your email marketing ROI.
  • Templates and Prompts: It offers a wide range of templates and prompts to guide your email copywriting, making it easier for both beginners and seasoned marketers.
  • Data-Backed Copy: CopyGenius leverages data-driven insights to help you create content that resonates with your target audience and drives results.
copygenius landing page


  • Free for a 500-word trial supporting 100+ languages.
  • Paid plans start at $19/mo for 40,000 words, rising to $39/mo for 120,000 words and $79/mo for unlimited words. All paid plans include the use of the Genius Editor Tools and access to the newest features.


In the world of email marketing, your copy can make or break your campaign’s success.

Hopefully, this best AI copywriting software blog has been insightful.

AI copywriting software is a powerful ally in your quest to create compelling email content that resonates with your audience and drives results.

So, go ahead, give one of these AI copywriting tools a whirl, and watch your email marketing campaigns soar to new heights.

Your subscribers will thank you for the entertaining and persuasive emails they receive, and your bottom line will too!

Say goodbye to writer’s block and hello to AI-powered email marketing success. 📧🚀

Happy emailing! 😄

Want to learn more about utilising AI Copywriting software effectively?

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